Fats, Oils, & Grease

Fats, oils, and grease (FOG) are a major problem for the City of Dallas Sewer System.

Improper Cleanup

Improper cleanup practices allow food particles, oil and grease, and cleaning products to flow to the sanitary sewer. 

Clogged Sewers

When not disposed of properly, FOG forms thick layers inside sewers constricting the flow, similar to the way cholesterol affects blood flow in our arteries and vessels. Clogged sewers result in sewage spills and overflows. FOG also attracts flies and vermin and causes odor problems, which creates environmental and public health concerns.

Commercial FOG

Restaurants are a significant source of FOG because of the amount of grease used in cooking and other food prep work. Commercial establishments can access the Commercial FOG Application for more information.