
Dallas Police Hiring Event

Equal Opportunity Employer

The City of Dallas is an equal-opportunity employer. The City’s policy and practice is to recruit, hire, and promote for all positions in a non-discriminatory manner in full compliance with federal, state, and local laws.

The City of Dallas Police Department requires all division heads and supervisors to understand and practice equal employment opportunity clearly. Acts of discrimination or retaliation by managers, supervisors, or any person in authority, including illegal harassment, will not be tolerated and will be subject to corrective action up to and including discharge.

It is the City of Dallas's hope that each employee will find the environment at the city to be one in which they can strive to be their professional best. We ask that all employees support achieving our objectives in equal opportunity employment.

Take the leap, be the difference! 

For Recruiting information contact:

Sergeant M. Weaver- (770)-443-8100 ex. 1004

Sergeant J. Collins- (770)-443-8100 ex 1007