Pool Rules & Regulations

  1. Shower before entering the water

  2. Children shall not use pool without an adult in attendance

  3. Adults should not swim alone

  4. All children three years old and younger and any child not potty-trained must wear snug fitting plastic pants or a water-resistant swim diaper

  5. Do not swim if the suction outlets are missing, broken, or not clearly visible from the deck

  6. No glass articles allowed in or around pool area

  7. Do not swallow the pool water

  8. Do not dive unless diving are is clear of other bathers

  9. Do not swim if you had diarrhea within the past two weeks

  10. No animals are allowed in the pool or pool enclosure, except service animals are allowed

  11. No food, drink, or wrappers shall be permitted within ten feet (10') of the swimming pool

  12. No tobacco products or alcoholic beverages allowed

  13. No running, pushing shoving or rough playing allowed

  14. No spitting, spouting of water or blowing nose in pool

  15. No "cut-offs" allowed

  16. Only one bather at a time on diving board and ladders

  17. No persons with open cut or aliments allowed in the pool

  18. No one with a floatation device is allowed in the diving areas or to use the diving board or on the slide.

  19. ONLY U.S. Coast Guard approved life jackets and puddle jumpers may be worn in the pool. No blown-up floatation devices in the pool.