
Sara Babb Mural

The City of Dallas Parks & Recreation Department is proud to announce a project that our 2022 Summer Day Camp Program helped to create. This project was proposed by local Metro Atlanta artist, Xavier Perry. Through a series of meetings, we were able to finalize the vision for three different projects. Each project was specifically created to cater to each camp age group.

Our 5–6-year old’s (blue group) expressed their painting skills onto a simplified, stylized city logo created and screen printed by Xavier Perry.

Next, our 7–9-year old’s (green group) were able to each paint & decorate their own birdhouse featuring their own style and interests. These birdhouses will be placed throughout the city parks; Sara Babb Park, Dallas Dog Park/Coleman Camp and Orphan Brigade Battlefield Park.  

Lastly, our 10–12-year old’s (red group) took the lead in our biggest project, the graffiti mural. The mural was sketched by Mr. Perry and spray painted by the red group campers.

The purpose of these projects was to teach skills such as; color theory, design, painting techniques, sharing, communication, expression and more! We had a fun time cooperating to create art that was designed to express the same topic, positivity and love!

The intended outcome of the projects was to share the fun and clever results in a meaningful and tangible way for each age group to come back and visit while engaging our community in the recognition of these creations. In other words, recognizing that our 2022 Day Camper’s left a mark on the park!

When you are at one of our parks and come across a bird house, we invite you to take a selfie and post on any social media platform tagging the City of Dallas Parks & Recreation and using the hashtag, #DallasGAcampcreations.

Want to visit the mural? Head on over to Sara Babb Park! Take a picture and tag us! We would love to see the interaction of our community! Use the hashtag, #DallasGAcampcreations!

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow
